Infographics Friday: Income From Overseas Arts and Humanities Students in the UK

This week’s infographic is a follow-up to last week’s, which showed the numbers of students studying the arts, humanities, and social sciences in the UK. This week’s installment, from the AHRC report “Leading the World: The economic impact of UK arts and humanities research,” shows the total income from the 80,000 non-UK students who earn undergraduate and postgraduate degrees in the arts and humanities in the UK. The first table shows the direct income – approximately £1.306 billion – and the second the impact of that income – ranging from £2.05 billion to £3.29 billion. This impact was quantified using two different economic multipliers, a more conservative figure of 1.57 and a figure of 2.52, currently used by Universities UK. The report summarizes the findings as follows:

…there are some 80,000 non-UK arts and humanities undergraduates and postgraduates studying here at present and they make a direction contribution per annum of approximately £1.306 billion (£603 million in tuition fees and £703 million in living expenses). By applying multiplier figures of 1.57 and 2.52 to this amount, we learn that the total annual economic benefit capable of straightforward monetary calculation accruing to the UK from just this one part of the UK culture ecosystem comprising the arts and humanities research community lies currently in the range of £2.05 billion and £3.29 billion. (11)

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