About — 4Humanities is an advocacy initiative for the humanities focused on placing the value of the humanities before the public. We draw in particular on the expertise of the international digital humanities community. Digital methods now play a key role in showing why the humanities must be part of any vision of a future society. Advocacy viewpoints, projects, and research by 4Humanities and its local chapters use today’s means to shout out for the humanities. (More on our mission…) |

Updated “The Humanities Matter!” Infographic is Out!
4Humanities’s The Humanities Matter! infographic — with arguments and statistics for why the humanities matter — has been updated! It can be downloaded as a large, vertical PDF file or image file (or as production files to facilitate adapting it under its open license).

Reframing the Humanities as Useful
On March 30-31, 2023, the National Academy of Arts & Science hosted its symposium on “The Heart of the Matter at 10: The Past and Present of the Humanities” — an event themed around the tenth anniversary of the Academy’s The Heart of the Matter report. For the event, 4Humanities co-leader Alan Liu recorded a […]

Christine Henseler, “Stop Repeating Age-old Stigmas: Careers in the Arts and Humanities are Plentiful and They Pay”
By: Christine Henseler It baffles me to hear parents tell their kids that art is a hobby, not a career; that you can’t make good money with a degree in English. Wasn’t it just yesterday evening that these same adults binged for hours on the entire season of Grey’s Anatomy? For the second time? It so […]

Arts and Humanities — What Are They? (Students Asking Students)
In fall 2022, students in Professor Christine Henseler’s sophomore research seminar at Union College on “Arts and Humanities: Don’t Leave College Without Them” created for their final project a Shout Out for the Humanities campaign in the shape of essays, infographics, or other public-facing narratives. One creative group of students (branding themselves STC Productions) produced […]

New Guidebook on How Humanities & Arts Lead to Professions and Careers
[Now also in paperback] A new, open-access guide book has been published online by 4Humanities.org’s co-leader, Christine Henseler. Called Arts and Humanities: Don’t Leave College Without Them! (2022), the work takes the form of a “flipbook” giving a broad overview and specific examples of the humanities and arts, and the kinds of careers they lead […]

Christine Henseler, “Beyond the Silo: An Education Balanced in the Humanities and Sciences is Now More Important Than Ever for the Common Good”
« A Humanities, Plain & Simple Post » By: Christine Henseler We see it so often that we barely notice it anymore. A child shows a love of music or literature and the parent frets. “Get serious”, they tell them. “It’s a nice hobby, but it’s not a career”. The message from parents and educators alike […]