4Humanities@UCSB will hold its second general meeting of the 2014-15 academic year on Wednesday, February 4, 1-2:30 pm, in South Hall 2509. Continuing and new participants are invited. (Other meetings of research sub-groups have also prepared for this general meeting.)
Now in its fourth year, 4Humanities@UCSB is the UCSB chapter of the international initiative (founded at UCSB) named “4Humanities: Advocating for the Humanities” (https://4humanities.org/). The international initiative includes scholars, students, and others working on advocacy for the humanities. The initiative is supported by the international digital humanities community on the premise that digital new media today have a special role to play in effective humanities advocacy.
As an IHC Research Focus Group on our campus, 4Humanities@UCSB meets during the year around a few topics and readings. Beyond being a discussion forum, however, 4Humanities@UCSB is also a production shop. Ongoing concrete projects underway based at UCSB include the WhatEvery1Says project to analyze public discourse about the humanities using data-mining methods. 4Humanities@UCSB also holds some joint meetings and workshops with other Southern California chapters of 4Humanities at California State U., Northridge (4Hum@CSUN) and at UCLA (4Hum#UCLA).
Contact Info: 4Humanities@UCSB faculty leaders: Alan Liu (ayliu@english.ucsb.edu) and Linda Adler-Kassner (adler-kassner@writing.ucsb.edu). 4Humanities Lead Research Assistant: Ashley Champagne (ashleychampagne@gmail.com).
Agenda for Meeting
Introductions (and sign-up sheet)
- UCSB participants
- Possible Skype participants:
- CSUN: Stephanie Harper, Scott Kleinman
- UCLA: Kristen Cornelius Way
- Occidental C.: David Kim, David Chamberlain
- Whittier C.: Anne Cong-Huyen, Andrea Rehn
Progress Report on Current Projects:
- New 4Humanities.org Web Site Design (by Rudolf Amman, University College London)
Humanities Plain & Simple (led by Christine Henseler; possible tie-in with “Palgrave Campaign For the Humanities” and book)
- Also: NY6 Think Tank projects
Mini-documentary Backpack series (Kristin Cornelius Way of 4Hum@UCLA, and Stephanie Harper of 4Hum@CSUN) (recent photo)
Student Prize Contest: “Shout Out For the Humanities”
- Pre-release draft of contest flyer
- Draft of call to teachers and institutions to organize “creativity workshops” for their students to create submissions to the contest
- Draft of “Contest Kit”
- Judges for the contest (spreadsheet to be handed out of recruited judges and suggested names — not for circulation)
- Plan a “creativity workshop(s)”? at UCSB and other institutions?
WhatEvery1Says Project — Data Mining and Text Analysis of Public Discourse on the Humanities
- UCSB Project team: Alan Liu, Lindsay Thomas (Clemson U.), Zach Horton, Alex Kulick, Patrick Mooney. (RA’s on the team funded by Alan’s Academic Senate grant.)
- In collaboration with 4Hum@CSUN, including Scott Kleinman and Stephanie Harper.
- Original, manually collected corpus of articles, blog posts, reports, etc. about the humanities
- Current systematic, algorithmic collection of corpus of public discourse related to the humanities.
- Document sources (active and potential)
- Workflows (for sources with APIs and sources available through Proquest) | Python Scripts
- Our evolving idea of “discourse” related to the humanities
Topic model of discourse related to “humanities” in New York Times, 2010-2014 (1,087 items):
- 50-topic model: (Viz) (spreadsheet)
- 100-topic model: (Viz) (spreadsheet)
- Topic model of discourse related to “humanities” in Wall Street Journal, 2010-2014 (301 items):
- 50-topic model: (Viz) (spreadsheet)
- 100-topic model: (Viz) (spreadsheet)
- (Topic Cloud vizualizations and experimental unified interface for above vizualizations courtesy of Scott Kleinman)
Other future text analysis and social network analysis methods–e.g.:
- Corpus linguistics tools (examples using AntConc)
- Text visualization tools (example using Word Tree)
- NY Times 2010-14: (“humanities…”) | (“humanities are…”)
- Wall Street Journal 2010-14: (“humanities…”) | (“humanities are…”)
- Discussion
- UCSB Project team: Alan Liu, Lindsay Thomas (Clemson U.), Zach Horton, Alex Kulick, Patrick Mooney. (RA’s on the team funded by Alan’s Academic Senate grant.)
Upcoming Meetings/Events:
- Project workshop/planning meetings
- 4Humanities “Creativity Day” workshop at UCSB for student contest?
- End-of-year Research Slam DHSoCal and other SoCal 4Humanities local chapters?
Can you send a poster to UCSB history alumnus and web maven Jason Kelly, Assoc. Prof. at:
IUPUI Arts & Humanities Institute
755 W. Michigan St., UL 4115S
Indianapolis, IN 46202-5140
See his blog post: