On Friday, April 17th, we will be hosting a NY6Think Tank on the subject of Humans vs. Zombies. We invite you to attend this event and submit proposals for 5-10-minute lightning talks by yourself or your students. For detailed information about the event, please go here.
The Think Tank will include a film screening, long and short speaking and discussion sessions, lightning talks, guest speakers, a hands-on graffiti wall project, and a final brainstorming session toward the development of publishable blogs on the subject of how zombie narratives can be used to advocate for the arts and humanities.
This NY6ThinkTank seeks to establish interdisciplinary zones of inquiry in which participants reflect on zombie narratives from diverse academic perspectives, from modeling disease transmission using a game-based agent-based simulator to consider the ethics of killing, gender dynamics, consumerism, religion, race relations, and graffiti.
Who do zombies represent in contemporary sci-fi dystopias? What would happen to social order during a catastrophic plague? What are the political, social, and financial ramifications of a global plague? Do we trust our government to handle a contagion crisis? Do we already engage in social “quarantining”?
Please RSVP and/or send a short description of a possible Lightning Talk to me by March 1st. If you would like to be involved in a different capacity, please feel free to e-mail me as well. Events will be update on the webpage.
This event is co-directed by William García in coordination with this year’s The Humanities Super Seminar. There is no cost to attend thanks to the support of the Andrew Mellon Foundation, the NY6, and Union College.
This NY6Think Tank is Free and Open to the Public.
We hope you will consider submitting a lightning talk and joining us.
–Christine Henseler
Christine Henseler is Associate Professor of Spanish at Union College. She works on topics pertaining to Generation X, twenty-first century Spanish literature, media and cultural studies, and the humanities.