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4Humanities Advocacy Projects
Protected: Zoe Isabela Alcazaren, I Write, I Matter
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Protected: Segun Isaacs Sodeye, Why I need to shout out
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Protected: Andy Xu, Philosophy is a cockroach. It can never die
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Protected: Ibanca Anand, The Day We Discovered Science
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Aciel Awada, Spolu
Submission u53 for 4Humanities “Shout Out for the Humanities” contest [mla_gallery post_mime_type=all post_parent=all link=file mla_viewer_extensions=pdf,doc,docx mla_viewer=true columns=3 orderby=date order=desc attachment_category=contest-2016 attachment_tag=u53]
Protected: Eleanor Dunietz, Where’s the Humanity in the Humanities?
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