
Cover of Christine Hensler, Arts and Humanities: Don’t Leave School Without Them

New Guidebook on How Humanities & Arts Lead to Professions and Careers

[Now also in paperback] A new, open-access guide book has been published online by 4Humanities.org’s co-leader, Christine Henseler. Called Arts and Humanities: Don’t Leave College Without Them! (2022), the work takes the form of a “flipbook” giving a broad overview and specific examples of the humanities and arts, and the kinds of careers they lead […]

Collage of "Shout Out for the Humanities" 1st Prize Winners

Winners of the 4Humanities Student Prize Contest

4Humanities is proud to announce the winners for its “Shout Out for the Humanities” student prize contest. Congratulations on the winners and to the honorable mentions. Thanks also to all the other students and teams who made submissions, many of which were inspiring, creative, eloquent, and moving. Over the coming weeks and months, 4Humanities will showcase and publicize the submissions of the contest winners, honorable mentions, and selected other submissions. See press release. (Go to full descriptions and links for Undergraduate winners | Graduate-student winners)

Undergraduate Winners & Honorable Mentions

Graduate Student Winners & Honorable Mentions

Donna Davenport and Katherine Walker / NY6 Think Tank, “A Duet from the Humanities: Music and Dance Voices”

With Donna dancing and Katherine making music, the following duet presents a bi-disciplinary reflection on the complexity of the performing arts in higher education and their connection to the Humanities as a way of thinking, studying, and experiencing the world. But first we take a peek backstage. STAGE PREP As if art were ice cream, […]

NY6Think Tank Leaders to Meet on Friday, Oct. 17th, 2014

The NY6Think Tank Leaders—Katherine Walker (Hobart and William Smith), Michael Arnush and Janet Sorensen (Skidmore), Georgia Frank (Colgate), Mary Jane Smith (St. Lawrence), Brent Plate and Barbara Gold (Hamilton) and Christine Henseler (Union)–will be gathering for a 3-hour meeting on Friday, October 17th, at the beautiful, Union College owned Adirondack Center. Their goal is to […]

Reshaping Public Conversations on the Arts & Humanities ~ NY6 Summer Think Tank

  On July 18th and the morning of the 19th, 2014, 4Humanities@NY6 is hosting a Summer Fun Think Tank titled “Reshaping Public Conversations on the Arts & Humanities” in Ithaca, NY. The goal of the event is to reshape—rethink and rewrite—public conversations on the state of the arts and humanities in a relaxing and participatory […]