All posts by Alan Liu

Cover of Christine Hensler, Arts and Humanities: Don’t Leave School Without Them

New Guidebook on How Humanities & Arts Lead to Professions and Careers

[Now also in paperback] A new, open-access guide book has been published online by’s co-leader, Christine Henseler. Called Arts and Humanities: Don’t Leave College Without Them! (2022), the work takes the form of a “flipbook” giving a broad overview and specific examples of the humanities and arts, and the kinds of careers they lead […]

Photo of silos by Jim Witkowski on Unsplash.

Christine Henseler, “Beyond the Silo: An Education Balanced in the Humanities and Sciences is Now More Important Than Ever for the Common Good”

« A Humanities, Plain & Simple Post » By: Christine Henseler We see it so often that we barely notice it anymore. A child shows a love of music or literature and the parent frets. “Get serious”, they tell them. “It’s a nice hobby, but it’s not a career”. The message from parents and educators alike […]

The Entrepreneurial Humanities (logo)

The Entrepreneurial Humanities
(Call for Essays)

Edited by Alain-Philippe Durand and Christine Henseler Call for Essays When the general public hears the word “entrepreneurship” and reads articles and magazines that sell us on the “100 Most Entrepreneurial People in __________ (fill in the blank),” they usually think of new business models and products in technology and the sciences. “Entrepreneurship” is rarely […]

Helen Foley

My Journey to the Digital Humanities: The Story of a Double Major

By Helen Foley (reposted from the WhatEvery1Says (WE1S) project site; first published Dec. 1, 2020) Every time I tell someone I double majored in Economics and English, I receive the same reactions: “Oh wow, what an interesting pairing,” or “Huh. Wow. I wouldn’t have expected those two to go together.” In the simplest terms, the majority […]

WE1S Summer Research Camp 2020 website (screenshot)

WE1S Project Enters Home Stretch in Its Final Summer Research Camp’s WhatEvery1Says (WE1S) project is racing this summer to conclude its three-year grant from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation. During an intensive July summer research camp, 38 project participants across the project’s three campuses—UC Santa Barbara; California State U., Northridge; and U. Miami—are doing sprint work to finish research on WE1S’s massive collections of journalistic […]

Students at Union College, NY, and their book, Generation Now: Millennials Call For Social Change

Kate Osterholtz, Hayden Paneth, Kathleen Sinatra, with Christine Henseler, “Social Change through Storytelling”

How Union College students are publishing a book series on Amazon to raise their voices and affect change « A Humanities, Plain & Simple Post » This article was written by three students who took the “Millennials and Social Change “ class in the spring of 2018 at Union College, NY. It has been pulled […]