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Protected: Chris Bonfiglio, My Family, Our Story
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Protected: Charlotte Simmonds, How to Come Out Alright From Your Hometown
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Protected: Francesca Gacho, “Why the humanities now?”
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Protected: Julia Bolzon, Recovering the Humanum within a Technological Society: The Humanities’ Vital Role
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Graduate Student 1st Prize Winner: André Lynch — “Facts of Humanities”
Spotlight on André Lynch’s wonderful music video for the humanities!
1st Prize Winner of “Shout Out for the Humanities” Contest: André Lynch
M. Ed. student in Educational Leadership, St. Lawrence University (New York, United States). Contest Submission — “Facts of Humanities” (Video and music | Song lyrics) (Go to full post)
Ola Zaidan, Kafka’s ” The Metamorphosis” Treasure Hunt
Submission m29 for 4Humanities “Shout Out for the Humanities” contest [mla_gallery post_mime_type=all post_parent=all link=file mla_viewer_extensions=pdf,doc,docx mla_viewer=true columns=3 orderby=date order=desc attachment_category=contest-2016 attachment_tag=m29]