The Changing Humanities

Interdisciplinarity: Social/Behavioral Disciplines and the Humanities

By Thomas Scheff Abstract: Most disciplines and sub-disciplines consider their particular specialization to be valuable in itself and superior to other disciplines. But compared with the huge leaps in the physical sciences, social/behavioral disciplines and humanities have made little progress. Since many of the physical science advances were the result of the merging of disciplines, […]

Webinar on “The Global Crisis and Promise of Higher Ed” Co-sponsored by Kean U. and 4Humanities

The Kean University Faculty Seminar in partnership with 4Humanities will be running an online faculty and professional webinar series on “The Global Crisis and Promise of Higher Education” with eight video conference meetings September 2012 to May 2013. (See announcement flyer) Designed to be a think tank on changing directions in higher education, the webinar […]

The Changing Humanities: UVA’s Praxis Program

In a recent op-ed as part of The Chronicle of Higher Education‘s Digital Campus special issue, Bethany Nowviskie, director of Digital Research and Scholarship at the University of Virginia Library and president of the Association for Computers and the Humanities, highlights UVA’s Praxis Program. The program, a competitively-awarded yearlong digital methods workshop and apprenticeship designed […]

The Humanities and the Corporate World: Dedicated Deep Thinkers

In a recent article for The Chronicle of Higher Education (link to PDF), history professor Peter A. Coclanis – noting the importance of innovation to many businesses and the establishment in recent years of high-level positions like the CINO, or the chief innovation officer, in many businesses – argues for the creation of a new […]