Reshaping Public Conversations on the Arts & Humanities ~ NY6 Summer Think Tank


On July 18th and the morning of the 19th, 2014, 4Humanities@NY6 is hosting a Summer Fun Think Tank titled “Reshaping Public Conversations on the Arts & Humanities” in Ithaca, NY. The goal of the event is to reshape—rethink and rewrite—public conversations on the state of the arts and humanities in a relaxing and participatory environment. At this event 18 individuals from across our NY6 schools (3 per school) will have the opportunity to articulate how to change public opinion by thinking outside the box, discovering and applying ideas from different fields and spheres, and beginning to develop publishable material.

Before the Think Tank session, each institutional group will identify one report, article or issue they would like to focus on (some possibilities may be found on this spreadsheet developed by Alan Liu called “WhatEvery1Says“). At the session, each group will share their reactions, present alternate data, material, and ideas, and suggest ways to counter, add, or change the dialogue presented. Participants are encouraged not to reiterate arguments that have informed public conversations in the past, but to think creatively from different academic and professional perspectives and through the eyes of various audiences.

In this participatory environment NY6 participants and invited guests will engage with each other’s ideas, brainstorm and reshape arguments with the goal of writing a blog, an op-ed, a presentation, or a longer article for possible publication in traditional or non-traditional media outlets (of your choice). The writing of these pieces will continue virtually during the summer and in collaboration on a Wiki or Google doc.

If you are interested in participating in this event or you would like more information, please contact Christine Henseler (

This event is generously supported by a grant from the NY6.

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