
Christine Henseler, “Minecraft Anyone? Encouraging A New Generation of Computer Scientists and Humanists”

« A Humanities, Plain & Simple Post » Note: This post originally appeared in The Huffington Post. Does your son or daughter play Minecraft? And do you stand before that screen wondering what it’s all about, and how it’s possible that your kid doesn’t get dizzy from moving around this blocky world so quickly? Do […]

New Translations of 4Humanities Posts

Volunteers from around the world have begun contributing translations of selected posts on our site. The newest volunteer translations of 4Humanities posts from English into other languages include: Fabio Ciracì’s translation into Italian of Jerome J. McGann’s “Memory Now” (original English version) Dr. Nobuhiko Kikuchi’s translation into Japanese of Ernesto Priego’s interview of Daniel O’Donnell […]

Con Dante nel panino

Il 14 dicembre 2010 gli studenti italiani hanno riempito le piazze delle maggiori città italiane per protestare contro una riforma universitaria – la terza in dieci anni – che minaccia l’esistenza di uno dei più estesi sistemi di alta istruzione pubblica del mondo occidentale. Gli scontri avvenuti in quella giornata non sono tuttavia la mera […]