« A Humanities, Plain & Simple Post » Note: This post originally appeared in The Huffington Post. Does your son or daughter play Minecraft? And do you stand before that screen wondering what it’s all about, and how it’s possible that your kid doesn’t get dizzy from moving around this blocky world so quickly? Do […]
Look Out: Fluidity on the Edge
By Eva Kekou Janet Bellotto is an artist from Toronto, who splits her time teaching as an Associate Professor and Assistant Dean of the College of Arts and Creative at Zayed University, Dubai. Bellotto’s work has been shaped as waves of experience that are fluid and aqueous, edging between the tactile and the imagined. Her […]
Christine Henseler: “¿Por qué estudiar artes y humanidades?”
Translation into Spanish by Ricardo Pesado of Christine Henseler’s “Why Study the Arts & Humanities?” [original post in English]: La pregunta de por qué estudiar artes y humanidades persigue a nuestras disciplinas todos los días. No es una pregunta de fácil respuesta porque el lenguaje y los resultados de campos como el mundo clásico, la […]
New Translations of 4Humanities Posts
Volunteers from around the world have begun contributing translations of selected posts on our site. The newest volunteer translations of 4Humanities posts from English into other languages include: Fabio Ciracì’s translation into Italian of Jerome J. McGann’s “Memory Now” (original English version) Dr. Nobuhiko Kikuchi’s translation into Japanese of Ernesto Priego’s interview of Daniel O’Donnell […]
Lynn Pasquerella, “The Promise of Humanities Practice”
MLA 2013 Panel: Humanities in the 21st Century I want to argue this morning that the future of the humanities lies in the cultivation of humanities practice–practice that is indebted to and sometimes embedded in, but not reducible to the scholarly tradition. Indeed, I am convinced that unless we recognize the practice of humanities as […]
Christine Henseler, “The Humanities in the Digital Age”
MLA 2013 Panel: Humanities in the 21st Century As everyone knows, Tim Berners-Lee invented the WWW. But what you may not know, is that the original software program that he tinkered with and that ultimately gave rise to the Web was called Enquire, short for Enquire Within Upon Everything. This title derived from a musty […]
Con Dante nel panino
Il 14 dicembre 2010 gli studenti italiani hanno riempito le piazze delle maggiori città italiane per protestare contro una riforma universitaria – la terza in dieci anni – che minaccia l’esistenza di uno dei più estesi sistemi di alta istruzione pubblica del mondo occidentale. Gli scontri avvenuti in quella giornata non sono tuttavia la mera […]