Your submission to this contest should answer such questions as: Why is studying the humanities–e.g., history, literature, languages, philosophy, art history, media history, and culture–important to you? To society? How would you convince your parents, an employer, a politician, or others that there is value in learning the humanities?
Who: Enter if you are an undergraduate or graduate student, an individual or team, from any nation.
What: Your submission will be judged by an international panel of distinguished judges for message, quality, and impact no matter your medium or format. Possible submissions include: essay (less than 2,000 words), video, digital work, poster, cartoon, song, art, short story, interview. See our Contest Kit for ideas, resources, and tools.
Instructors and Educational Leaders: Want to organize a “creativity workshop” to incubate submissions by your students? See Workshops and Contest Kit for ideas. will create an online showcase specifically for your students’ work.
When: Submissions by March 1, 2016.
Prizes: Winners will receive the following awards, and will be published on the site:
- Undergraduate Students: 1st US$1,000 — 2nd US$700 — 3rd US$300
- Graduate Students: 1st US$1,000 — 2nd US$700 — 3rd US$300
Get the Poster or Flyer!
Download and print the contest flyer: Letter size · A4 size · Poster size
Request a printed contest poster (11.5 x 17 inches):
Is this contest taking place in 2017?
Thank you,
The contest took place last year, but you can read about our winners and their work here: