4Humanities.org collected multilingual keywords and Twitter hashtags for paid social-media campaigns on Twitter and Facebook to promote its Shout Out For the Humanities student prize contest in 2016. In the case of Twitter, promoted campaigns place specific tweets in the timelines and also search results of people in nations and demographic sectors selected for the campaign who either follow or search for those particular keywords/hashtags. In the case of Facebook, promoted campaigns place ads in the view of Facebook users similarly targeted by nation, demographic sector, interests, and so on.
Because these keywords/hashtags may be of use to others engaged in social-media advocacy for the humanities, 4Humanities is posting them as a resource. We will update the list with new languages and terms as suggested to us. (We hope to extend this list to other languages and terms. Suggestions for keywords/hashtags in any language may be emailed to ayliu@english.ucsb.edu.)
Jump to full post, list of keywords/hashtags, and fuller explanation.