Interested in working as a research assistant for a book on creative thought and practice in today’s society? Here’s your opportunity.
Reflection of NY6 Event, “Don’t Leave School Without It: Millennial Innovators Speak For the Role of the Arts & Humanities in the Transformation of Society
Arts and Humanities: Don’t Leave School Without Them. This is not the advice most-often heard among college students. We all know not to leave school without a plan, a skill-set, a career path, but without the Arts and Humanities? Why not? This half-day, interactive conference and workshop addressed this question, and explored the hidden, essential value of the Arts and Humanities to our contemporary society.
CALL FOR PAPERS: Welcoming students, community members, scholars, and professionals from all fields and disciplines
This edited volume seeks to shift national conversations about the “crisis” in the arts and humanities to one that bespeaks of “rise” and “renaissance.” Toward this goal, writers are encouraged to portrait thinkers and doers of our time (in the US)—individuals, groups, organizations, businesses, and fields not traditionally associated with the arts and humanities, like science and mathematics—who are transforming the way we think, live, and work. Who are they? How do they apply artistic or humanistic principles? And what extraordinary partnerships are allowing them to challenge assumptions, ask new or revised questions, disrupt old practices and ways of thinking, and create alternative paths, structures, and opportunities?

Presenting NY6 Student Fellows of 2016
NY6 Think Tank Presents the 2016 Fellows! The Fellows Program offers students an opportunity to participate in the NY6 Think Tank by creating and publishing their own projects through multimedia outlets of their choice.

Christine Henseler, “The Millennial Perspective: What College Students Say About the Value of the Arts and Humanities”
The high school and college students of today are the workforce of tomorrow. They have a personal interest in the shape of the future, and they are directly affected by national conversations about educational value, access, and cost.
These students are bombarded with messages concerning the usefulness of their college degrees. The practicality of different fields of study. Their employability and salary prospects. In essence, the major question running the show is: What is your worth when you consider the worth of your college degrees?
Although they are directly affected by these messages, college-age students have been largely absent from national conversations about the value of the arts and humanities in higher education, in the professional world and in society at large. It is for this reason that in the winter and spring of 2015, 13 out of 45 applicants were selected for a student fellowship generously granted to the New York Six Liberal Arts Consortium by the Andrew Mellon Foundation.

Post Your Instagram Inspiration!
Follow, contribute and post your photography/art and your expression of why the arts and humanities are important to you!
Go to your Instagram account, and follow NY6ThinkTank.

MaryGrace Wajda, Talking to Current College Students About Their Choice of Major
As part of my fellowship project, I met with several students to discuss their decision to major in the arts/humanities. Their responses to my questions were fascinating. Here are the profiles of the students I talked to, along with a record of our conversations, for you to read.